By sponsoring a rescued farmed animal you will be supporting Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary in providing lifelong care to these deserving individuals.
As a sponsor you will receive:
- A digital, printable Sponsorship Certificate
- A Social Media Starter Pack, with images that you can use to share the news of becoming a proud #LighthouseSanctuarySponsor
- A quarterly email update about your sponsored animal
Meet the animals below!
Sponsor A Pig
Di you know that Lighthouse cares for 137 pigs? All of them have been rescued from situations of extreme neglect and abuse, including over 100 from a hoarding situation in 2019. 137 pigs mean a huge feed bill every month to keep everyone happy and full - not to mention extra costs for bedding and vet care.
Just $40 a month provides nutritious food for 1 pig. Our goal is to have 1 monthly donor per pig (137 donors at $40 a month) in order to cover the monthly feed bill for our wonderful and deserving rescued pig friends.